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Library Information and Digital Literacy: In Text Citation: Quotation


In Text Citation: Quotation

  • Always enclose in quotation marks for direct quotations that you take from a source.
  • Always include the page number (where you take the quote) in addition to author surname  and date.
  • For e.g.
  • According to Hamutoko (2019), "Direct quote" (p. 79).
  • Hamutoko (2019) found that "Direct quote" (p. 79).
  • "Direct quote" (Hamutoko, 2019, p. 79).
  • If the quote is more than 40 word, it should be indent. It does not need quotation marks.
  • e.g. Marcel et al., (2018) study found that:

Precipitation (P) for the rainy season was measured with an amount of 660 mm. Recharge estimated from soil water stable isotope data is less than 1 % of precipitation. It ranges between R = 4 and 5 mm yr−1 derived from δ 2Hshift and δ 18Oshift, respectively. The soil water storage (S) is derived from the soil moisture depth profile and the evaporation front is determined from the exponential fit to the water stable isotope depth profiles. (p.10)